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2022-03-10 Yes

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Configuring Telegram bots

title: Summary
collapse: open
This note allows to configure Telegram bots for pairing with certain services.

style: number

Linking services with a Telegram bot

Creating a Telegram Bot

  1. In Telegram, look for '@BotFather'
  2. Initialise with /start
  3. Create bot with /newbot

Record the Token from the message from BotFather.

Getting the Bot's Chat ID

In a terminal, run:

title: Telegram Chat ID
curl$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates | jq

Linking Logwatch

Please see full documentation GitHub - fxkjdlogwatch-telegram-bot Send logwatch results to your telegram account.

Linking monit

Please see full documentation GitHub - matriphemonit2telegram A simple script to send Monit alerts using Telegram bot..

Current bots

Logwatch and Monit

A bot has been created for Configuring Monit and Logwatch.

title: Credentials
| Variable | Value
| - | -
| Name | Logwatch_servers
| Username | [mbvservers_bot](
| Token | 5218097204:AAEnsZLTk4TTk-X-MceuoIGX0IQWLkngM4E
| Chat ID | 1622082350