Obsidian/00.01 Admin/Templates/@Master Note.md

1.2 KiB

Alias Tag Date DocType ChildrenType Hierarchy location CollapseMetaTable
<% tp.date.now("YYYY-MM-DD") %> Root Yes


name Create Note
type append template
action NewFile
id CreateNote

^button-<% tp.file.title.split("@")[1] %>NewNote

name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save

^button-<% tp.file.title.split("@")[1] %>Save

Folder map

title: Summary
collapse: open
This note enables to navigate in the <% tp.file.folder() %> section and find any Note in this Vault by Note or Tag

style: number

Master Navigation

	Table Date as "Creation Date" from "Admin"
	Sort Date ascending

Tag Navigation

	Table without id tags as "Tags" From "Admin"
	Flatten file.tags as tags
	Group by tags

TimeStamp check

	Table TimeStamp as "Time Stamp" from "Admin"
	Where TimeStamp > date(today) - dur(100 years)
	Sort TimeStamp ascending

High Level tasks

not done
path includes Life Admin
sort by due
hide backlink
hide task count