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type title englishTitle year dataSource url id genres producer duration onlineRating image released premiere watched lastWatched personalRating tags CollapseMetaTable
movie Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi 2017 OMDbAPI tt2527336
Rian Johnson 152 min 6.9 true 15/12/2017 true 2021 6 #mediaDB/tv/movie yes

Parent:: Cinematheque

dv.paragraph(`> [!${dv.current().watched ? 'SUCCESS' : 'WARNING'}] ${dv.current().watched ? 'last watched on ' + dv.current().lastWatched : 'not yet watched'}`)

$= dv.current().title

$= dv.current().watched ? '**Rating**: ' + dv.current().personalRating + ' out of 10' : ''


Genres: $= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)

$= !dv.current().released ? '**Not released** The movie is not yet released.' : ''

list without id
 "<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
 "<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.type + "</span></td></tr>"
 "<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
 "<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.onlineRating + "</span></td></tr>"
 "<tr><td><a class=heading>Duration</a></td>"
 "<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.duration + "</span></td></tr>"
 "<tr><td><a class=heading>Premiered</a></td>"
 "<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.premiere + "</span></td></tr>"
 "<tr><td><a class=heading>Producer</a></td>"
 "<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.producer + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.04 Cinematheque/Star Wars - Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)"


$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'