You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4.4 KiB

ChildrenType JSXExample Number1 Number2
Hello JSX! 1 3

jsx-<LoadiFrameButton title="" src="" />

jsx- <WithFrontMatter render={({JSXExample})=><h1>The value of hello is "{JSXExample}"</h1>}/>

jsx- <WithFrontMatter render={({Number1, Number2})=> (Number1 + Number2) * 100 }/>


citation example

~ Melchior de Villeneuve

formation: 433
players: Donnarumma,Bernat,Marquinhos,Kimpembe,Hakimi,Villeneuve,Verratti,St Hilaire,MBappe,Solanet,Messi
const {shoppingFunc} = customJS
shoppingFunc.getItems2Change({app: app, dv: dv, luxon: luxon, that:this, theme: "to0"}) 
name Create Note
type append template
action NewFile1
color blue
templater true

const {templaterFunc} =["customjs"].api templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

tR += const {templaterFunc} =["customJS"] templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

tR += const {templaterFunc} =["customJS"].api templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

tR += const {templaterFunc} =["CustomJS"].api templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

tR += const {templaterFunc} = tp.obsidian.plugins.plugins.CustomJS %> <% templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

tR += const {templaterFunc} = customJS %> <% templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

const templaterFunc = customJS tR += templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

const templaterFunc = tp.obsidian.plugins.plugins.CustomJS tR += templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

const {templaterFunc} = tp.obsidian.plugins.plugins.CustomJS tR += templaterFunc.createNewFile(tp, tp.frontmatter.ChildrenType) %>

CollapseMetaTable: yes Groceries: ["🍶 6 bottle(s) Coke 0", "🍿 1 whole Snacks", "🧈 packet(s) Beurre", "🫒 0 bottle(s) Olive oil", "🍺 0 bottle(s) Beers", "🥯 0 packet(s) Bagels", "🍯 1 jar(s) Bonne Maman", "🍌 6 whole Bananas", "🧀 0 packet(s) Fromage rape", "🥩 2 packet(s) Cured meat", "🍐 6 whole Fruit", "🍝 2 packet(s) Pasta", "🌶️ 1 bottle(s) Tabasco"] Health:

  • 🚿 1 whole shower gel
  • 🧴 1 whole shampoo
  • 🪥 whole toothbrush
  • 🦷 1 whole toothpaste
  • 👂 whole earbuds
  • 🪒 1 whole razor blades (mach3)
  • 🍦 whole shaving cream
  • 🧻 6 whole loo rolls
  • 🦨 whole deo Household:
  • 👔 1 whole Washing gel
  • 🧻 4 whole Kitchen towel
  • 🧽 whole Sponge
  • 👕 2 whole Softener
  • 🍽️ whole Dishwasher tablets
  • 🧂 1 whole Dishwasher salt
  • 🚰 0 whole Dishwasher rinsing aid

const app =;
const metaedit = app.plugins.plugins["metaedit"];
const init_dom = (row) => { const sel = `table.dataview.table-view-table td > span > a[data-href='${row.file.path}']`;
const tr = dv.container.querySelector(sel).closest("tr");
const labels = tr.querySelectorAll("._dataview-labels"); for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { const data = labels[i].data
const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(row.file.path);
const prop = {key:, content:data.actual, type: data.type};
labels[i].addEventListener('click', async (evt) => { metaedit.controller.editMetaElement(prop, [], file); }); } }
const field = (row, name, type) => {
let data = {};
data.row = row; = name;
data.actual = row[name];
data.value = row[name];
data.type = type || 1;
const el = this.container.createEl('span', {"text": row[name] || "-"});
el.classList.add("_dataview-labels"); = data; return el; };
try { var workspace = dv.container.closest("div.workspace-leaf");
var title = workspace.querySelector("div.view-header-title");
let pages = dv.pages('"03.03 Food & Wine"') .sort(t => .where(t => field(t, 'DocType') == "Recipe");
dv.table( ["Name", "Course", "Category", "Collection", "Cooking Time", "Rating", ""], pages .map(t => [, field(t, 'Recipe.Course'), field(t, 'Recipe.Category'), field(t, 'Recipe.Collection'), field(t, 'Recipe.CookingTime'), field(t, 'Meta.Rating') ]) );
for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
init_dom(pages[i]); } }, 0);
catch (err) {; }