iOS 3 years ago
parent 495d40c7dd
commit 6e5c626cb4

@ -12,14 +12,12 @@
@ -52,7 +50,6 @@
@ -61,5 +58,6 @@

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"id": "multi-column-markdown",
"name": "Multi-Column Markdown",
"version": "0.7.2",
"minAppVersion": "0.15.9",
"description": "This plugin adds functionality to create markdown documents with multiple columns of content viewable within Obsidian's preview mode",
"author": "Cameron Robinson",
"authorUrl": "",
"isDesktopOnly": false

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
.mcm-single-column-layout-left {
left: 10px;
.mcm-single-column-layout-right {
right: 10px;
.mcm-single-column-small {
width: 25%;
.mcm-single-column-medium {
width: 50%;
.mcm-single-column-large {
width: 75%;
/* ----------------------------------- */
.mcm-singlecol-layout-right {
justify-content: right;
.mcm-singlecol-layout-left {
justify-content: left;
.mcm-singlecol-layout-center {
justify-content: center;
/* ----------------------------------- */
.mcm-column-spacer {
margin-inline: 0.25%;
/* ----------------------------------- */
.mcm-two-equal-columns {
width: 49.75%;
.mcm-two-column-large {
width: 66.75%;
.mcm-two-column-small {
width: 32.75%;
/* ----------------------------------- */
.mcm-three-equal-columns {
width: 32.75%;
/* ----------------------------------- */
.mcm-three-column-large {
width: 49.75%;
.mcm-three-column-small {
width: 24.5%;
/* ----------------------------------- */
.mcm-column-div {
padding-inline: 10px;
.mcm-column-border {
border: grey;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0.5px;
.mcm-column-shadow {
box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 0.5rem var(--background-modifier-box-shadow);
.mcm-column-error-message {
margin-bottom: 10px;
color: var(--text-error);
text-align: center;
.mcm-column-root-container {
margin: 1.5625em 0;
.mcm-column-parent-container {
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
color: var(--text-normal);
page-break-inside: avoid;
border-radius: 0.1rem;
.mcm-region-shadow {
box-shadow: 0 0.2rem 0.5rem var(--background-modifier-box-shadow);
.mcm-column-content-wrapper {
opacity: 0;
.mcm-column-div .mcm-column-content-wrapper {
opacity: 100;
.markdown-preview-section > .mcm-column-content-wrapper,
.mcm-column-settings-wrapper {
height: 0px !important;
overflow: hidden;
.mcm-original-column-element + .mcm-cloned-column-element {
display: none;
.mcm-cm-preview {
line-height: var(--lh);
white-space: normal;
word-break: keep-all;
word-wrap: normal;
.mcm-col-settings-preview {
color: var(--text-normal);
.cm-preview-code-block.preivew-mcm-start-block {
height: 0pt !important;
padding: 0pt !important;
.mcm-content-overflow-hidden {
overflow-x: hidden;
.mcm-content-overflow-auto-scroll {
overflow-x: auto;

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"checkpointList": [
"path": "/",
"date": "2022-08-28",
"size": 6866748
"date": "2022-08-31",
"size": 6876717
"activityHistory": [
@ -942,7 +942,19 @@
"date": "2022-08-28",
"value": 121125
"value": 121140
"date": "2022-08-29",
"value": 4931
"date": "2022-08-30",
"value": 1949
"date": "2022-08-31",
"value": 7626

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"id": "obsidian-book-search-plugin",
"name": "Book Search",
"version": "0.5.5",
"version": "0.5.6",
"minAppVersion": "0.12.0",
"description": "Helps you find books and create notes.",
"author": "anpigon",

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
"wrapSize": 25,
"defaultSpan": 1

@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true });
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __reExport = (target, module2, desc) => {
if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2))
if (!, key) && key !== "default")
__defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return target;
var __toModule = (module2) => {
return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", module2 && module2.__esModule && "default" in module2 ? { get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module2, enumerable: true })), module2);
var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var fulfilled = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var rejected = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
// main.ts
__export(exports, {
ColumnInsertModal: () => ColumnInsertModal,
default: () => ObsidianColumns
var import_obsidian2 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
// obsidian-settings/settings.ts
var import_obsidian = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
var parseBoolean = (value) => {
return value == "yes" || value == "true";
var parseObject = (value, typ) => {
if (typ == "string") {
return value;
if (typ == "boolean") {
return parseBoolean(value);
if (typ == "number") {
return parseFloat(value);
function createSetting(containerEl, keyval, currentValue, onChange) {
let setting = new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName(keyval[1].name).setDesc(keyval[1].desc);
if (typeof keyval[1].value == "boolean") {
setting.addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(currentValue).onChange((bool) => {
onChange(bool, keyval[0]);
} else {
setting.addText((text) => text.setPlaceholder(String(keyval[1].value)).setValue(String(currentValue)).onChange((value) => {
onChange(parseObject(value, typeof keyval[1].value), keyval[0]);
function display(obj, DEFAULT_SETTINGS2, name) {
const { containerEl } = obj;
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Settings for " + name });
let keyvals = Object.entries(DEFAULT_SETTINGS2);
for (let keyval of keyvals) {
createSetting(containerEl, keyval, obj.plugin.settings[keyval[0]].value, (value, key) => {
obj.plugin.settings[key].value = value;
function loadSettings(obj, DEFAULT_SETTINGS2) {
obj.settings = DEFAULT_SETTINGS2;
obj.loadData().then((data) => {
if (data) {
let items = Object.entries(data);
items.forEach((item) => {
obj.settings[item[0]].value = item[1];
function saveSettings(obj, DEFAULT_SETTINGS2) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
let saveData = {};
Object.entries(obj.settings).forEach((i) => {
saveData[i[0]] = i[1].value;
yield obj.saveData(saveData);
// main.ts
var NAME = "Obsidian Columns";
var COLUMNNAME = "col";
var TOKEN = "!!!";
var SETTINGSDELIM = "\n===\n";
wrapSize: { value: 100, name: "Minimum width of column", desc: "Columns will have this minimum width before wrapping to a new row. 0 disables column wrapping. Useful for smaller devices" },
defaultSpan: { value: 1, name: "The default span of an item", desc: "The default width of a column. If the minimum width is specified, the width of the column will be multiplied by this setting." }
var parseSettings = (settings) => {
let o = {};
settings.split("\n").map((i) => {
return i.split(";");
}).reduce((a, b) => {
return a;
}).map((i) => {
return i.split("=").map((j) => {
return j.trim();
}).slice(0, 2);
}).forEach((i) => {
o[i[0]] = i[1];
return o;
var ObsidianColumns = class extends import_obsidian2.Plugin {
constructor() {
this.generateCssString = (span) => {
let o = {};
o.flexGrow = span.toString();
o.flexBasis = (this.settings.wrapSize.value * span).toString() + "px";
o.width = (this.settings.wrapSize.value * span).toString() + "px";
return o;
this.applyStyle = (el, styles) => {
Object.assign(, styles);
this.processChild = (c) => {
if (c.firstChild != null && "tagName" in c.firstChild && c.firstChild.tagName == "BR") {
let firstChild = c;
while (firstChild != null) {
if ("style" in firstChild) { = "0px";
firstChild = firstChild.firstChild;
let lastChild = c;
while (lastChild != null) {
if ("style" in lastChild) { = "0px";
lastChild = lastChild.lastChild;
onload() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield this.loadSettings();
this.addSettingTab(new ObsidianColumnsSettings(, this));
this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(COLUMNMD, (source, el, ctx) => {
let split = source.split(SETTINGSDELIM);
let settings = {};
if (split.length > 1) {
source = split.slice(1).join(SETTINGSDELIM);
settings = parseSettings(split[0]);
const sourcePath = ctx.sourcePath;
let child = el.createDiv();
let renderChild = new import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderChild(child);
import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(source, child, sourcePath, renderChild);
if ("flexGrow" in settings) {
let flexGrow = parseFloat(settings.flexGrow);
let CSS = this.generateCssString(flexGrow);
delete CSS.width;
this.applyStyle(child, CSS);
this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(COLUMNNAME, (source, el, ctx) => {
const sourcePath = ctx.sourcePath;
let child = createDiv();
let renderChild = new import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderChild(child);
import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(source, child, sourcePath, renderChild);
let parent = el.createEl("div", { cls: "columnParent" });
Array.from(child.children).forEach((c) => {
let cc = parent.createEl("div", { cls: "columnChild" });
let renderCc = new import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderChild(cc);
this.applyStyle(cc, this.generateCssString(this.settings.defaultSpan.value));
if (c.classList.contains("block-language-" + COLUMNMD) && c.childNodes[0].style.flexGrow != "") { = c.childNodes[0].style.flexGrow; = c.childNodes[0].style.flexBasis; = c.childNodes[0].style.flexBasis;
id: "insert-column-wrapper",
name: "Insert column wrapper",
editorCallback: (editor, view) => {
new ColumnInsertModal(, (result) => {
let num = result.numberOfColumns.value;
let outString = "````col\n";
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
outString += "```col-md\nflexGrow=1\n===\n# Column " + i + "\n```\n";
outString += "````\n";
id: "insert-column",
name: "Insert column",
editorCallback: (editor, view) => {
editor.replaceSelection("```col-md\nflexGrow=1\n===\n# New Column\n```");
let processList = (element, context) => {
for (let child of Array.from(element.children)) {
if (child == null) {
if (child.nodeName != "UL" && child.nodeName != "OL") {
for (let listItem of Array.from(child.children)) {
if (listItem == null) {
if (!listItem.textContent.trim().startsWith(TOKEN + COLUMNNAME)) {
processList(listItem, context);
let colParent = element.createEl("div", { cls: "columnParent" });
let renderColP = new import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderChild(colParent);
let itemList = listItem.querySelector("ul, ol");
if (itemList == null) {
for (let itemListItem of Array.from(itemList.children)) {
let childDiv = colParent.createEl("div", { cls: "columnChild" });
let renderColC = new import_obsidian2.MarkdownRenderChild(childDiv);
let span = parseFloat(itemListItem.textContent.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[0]);
if (isNaN(span)) {
span = this.settings.defaultSpan.value;
this.applyStyle(childDiv, this.generateCssString(span));
let afterText = false;
processList(itemListItem, context);
for (let itemListItemChild of Array.from(itemListItem.childNodes)) {
if (afterText) {
if (itemListItemChild.nodeName == "#text") {
afterText = true;
this.registerMarkdownPostProcessor((element, context) => {
processList(element, context);
onunload() {
loadSettings() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
loadSettings(this, DEFAULT_SETTINGS);
saveSettings() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield saveSettings(this, DEFAULT_SETTINGS);
numberOfColumns: { value: 2, name: "Number of Columns", desc: "Number of Columns to be made" }
var ColumnInsertModal = class extends import_obsidian2.Modal {
constructor(app, onSubmit) {
this.onSubmit = onSubmit;
onOpen() {
const { contentEl } = this;
contentEl.createEl("h1", { text: "Create a Column Wrapper" });
let modalSettings = DEFAULT_MODAL_SETTINGS;
let keyvals = Object.entries(DEFAULT_MODAL_SETTINGS);
for (let keyval of keyvals) {
createSetting(contentEl, keyval, "", (value, key) => {
modalSettings[key].value = value;
new import_obsidian2.Setting(contentEl).addButton((btn) => btn.setButtonText("Submit").setCta().onClick(() => {
onClose() {
let { contentEl } = this;
var ObsidianColumnsSettings = class extends import_obsidian2.PluginSettingTab {
constructor(app, plugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
display() {
display(this, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, NAME);

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"id": "obsidian-columns",
"name": "Obsidian Columns",
"minAppVersion": "0.12.0",
"description": "Allows you to create columns in Obsidian Markdown",
"author": "Trevor Nichols",
"authorUrl": "",
"isDesktopOnly": false,
"version": "1.2.0"

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
.columnParent {
display: flex;
padding: 15px 20px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 20px;
.columnParent {
white-space: normal;
.cm-preview-code-block .admonition-content .columnParent p {
white-space: pre-wrap;
.columnChild {
flex-grow: 1;
flex-basis: 0px;

@ -480,9 +480,9 @@
"links": 5
"05.01 Computer setup/": {
"size": 3197,
"size": 8113,
"tags": 4,
"links": 4
"links": 6
"05.01 Computer setup/Threats and": {
"size": 823,
@ -1591,8 +1591,8 @@
"00.01 Admin/Test": {
"size": 12366,
"tags": 0,
"links": 0
"tags": 5,
"links": 10
"00.01 Admin/Templates/layout$": {
"size": 51,
@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@
"links": 0
"05.02 Networks/Configuring": {
"size": 4762,
"size": 5271,
"tags": 3,
"links": 4
@ -1875,9 +1875,9 @@
"links": 21
"05.02 Networks/Server": {
"size": 9324,
"size": 4792,
"tags": 5,
"links": 12
"links": 13
"05.02 Networks/Server": {
"size": 6817,
@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@
"links": 1
"01.02 Home/": {
"size": 1713,
"size": 1970,
"tags": 3,
"links": 2
@ -4345,7 +4345,7 @@
"links": 2
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": {
"size": 1236,
"size": 1372,
"tags": 1,
"links": 9
@ -5232,7 +5232,7 @@
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": {
"size": 1130,
"tags": 0,
"links": 5
"links": 7
"02.03 Zürich/Dolder": {
"size": 1159,
@ -5242,7 +5242,7 @@
"02.03 Zürich/": {
"size": 1108,
"tags": 0,
"links": 2
"links": 4
"03.04 Cinematheque/Django (1966).md": {
"size": 1981,
@ -5290,7 +5290,7 @@
"links": 2
"03.01 Reading list/La promesse de l'": {
"size": 1380,
"size": 1915,
"tags": 1,
"links": 3
@ -5422,27 +5422,27 @@
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": {
"size": 1130,
"tags": 0,
"links": 4
"links": 5
"00.03 News/Why Dont Millennials Have": {
"size": 12694,
"tags": 4,
"links": 1
"links": 2
"00.03 News/Was King Arthur a Real": {
"size": 36763,
"tags": 3,
"links": 1
"links": 2
"00.03 News/Opinion Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men": {
"size": 23951,
"tags": 2,
"links": 1
"links": 2
"00.03 News/The Deacon and the Dog City": {
"size": 33264,
"tags": 4,
"links": 1
"links": 2
"03.03 Food & Wine/": {
"size": 4042,
@ -5452,15 +5452,50 @@
"00.03 News/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans": {
"size": 8394,
"tags": 3,
"links": 2
"03.04 Cinematheque/Squid Game (2021).md": {
"size": 2625,
"tags": 1,
"links": 1
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": {
"size": 1135,
"tags": 0,
"links": 4
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": {
"size": 1135,
"tags": 0,
"links": 8
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": {
"size": 1429,
"tags": 0,
"links": 7
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold -": {
"size": 230,
"tags": 0,
"links": 4
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite &": {
"size": 204,
"tags": 0,
"links": 4
"05.01 Computer setup/": {
"size": 1002,
"tags": 4,
"links": 2
"commitTypes": {
"/": {
"Refactor": 735,
"Create": 783,
"Link": 1635,
"Expand": 714
"Refactor": 747,
"Create": 793,
"Link": 1661,
"Expand": 727
"dailyCommits": {
@ -5472,30 +5507,30 @@
"4": 12,
"5": 6,
"6": 33,
"7": 245,
"8": 390,
"9": 366,
"10": 233,
"11": 196,
"12": 149,
"13": 263,
"14": 206,
"15": 219,
"16": 179,
"17": 168,
"18": 371,
"7": 257,
"8": 395,
"9": 373,
"10": 240,
"11": 199,
"12": 150,
"13": 264,
"14": 208,
"15": 223,
"16": 185,
"17": 179,
"18": 372,
"19": 189,
"20": 138,
"21": 111,
"22": 243,
"22": 244,
"23": 53
"weeklyCommits": {
"/": {
"Mon": 591,
"Tue": 483,
"Wed": 504,
"Mon": 611,
"Tue": 491,
"Wed": 537,
"Thu": 367,
"Fri": 333,
"Sat": 0,
@ -5505,6 +5540,19 @@
"recentCommits": {
"/": {
"Expanded": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Jellyfin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Nextcloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Configuring\"> Configuring Docker </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Nextcloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Nextcloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-06-25 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold -\"> 2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold - Paris </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite &\"> 2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite & Arnold </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Household </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.01 Reading list/La promesse de l'\"> La promesse de l'aube </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Romain Gary\"> Romain Gary 2 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Shakshuka </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-11-02 Juventus -\"> 2022-11-02 Juventus - PSG </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/\"> Household </a>",
@ -5542,22 +5590,19 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Derborence </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/Polo Park Zü\"> Polo Park Zürich </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/@Restaurants Zü\"> @Restaurants Zürich </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Rosi </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Le\"> Le Mezzerie </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Configuring\"> Configuring UFW </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/Crypto\"> Crypto Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Bebek </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/No\"> No Idea </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/\"> Modo </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/La Ré\"> La Réserve </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/\"> Iroquois </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/\"> Grande </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/\"> Daizy </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/Cantinetta\"> Cantinetta Antinori </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/Café des\"> Café des Amis </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Dolder\"> Dolder Grand </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Rosi </a>"
"Created": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Jellyfin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2023-01-14 Mmariage Marguerite &\"> 2023-01-14 Mmariage Marguerite & Arnold </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold -\"> 2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold - Paris </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12).md\"> You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-30 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-29 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12).md\"> You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Squid Game (2021).md\"> Squid Game (2021) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12).md\"> You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans\"> Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans basement </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
@ -5598,19 +5643,13 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-21 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/“Republicans Buy Sneakers Too”.md\"> “Republicans Buy Sneakers Too” </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/U.S. Ship Sunk by Germans in 1917 Is Found Off English\"> U.S. Ship Sunk by Germans in 1917 Is Found Off English Coast </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Welcome to Philip K. Dicks\"> Welcome to Philip K. Dicks dystopia </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/The architect who became the king of bank\"> The architect who became the king of bank robberies </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-20 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/Django (1966).md\"> Django (1966) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Untitled </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-19 </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/U.S. Ship Sunk by Germans in 1917 Is Found Off English\"> U.S. Ship Sunk by Germans in 1917 Is Found Off English Coast </a>"
"Renamed": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Jellyfin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite &\"> 2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite & Arnold </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Romain Gary\"> Romain Gary 2 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Squid Game (2021).md\"> Squid Game (2021) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans\"> Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans basement </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.03 Food & Wine/\"> Shakshuka </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/The Deacon and the Dog City\"> The Deacon and the Dog City Journal </a>",
@ -5657,13 +5696,12 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/After the Zodiac Killer's '340' Cipher Stumped the FBI, Three Amateurs Made a\"> After the Zodiac Killer's '340' Cipher Stumped the FBI, Three Amateurs Made a Breakthrough </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/YouTube Fraud Led to $23 Million in Royalties for 2 Men, IRS\"> YouTube Fraud Led to $23 Million in Royalties for 2 Men, IRS Says </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Donald Trump and American Intelligences Years of\"> Donald Trump and American Intelligences Years of Conflict </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/How Bolivias ruthless tin baron saved thousands of Jewish\"> How Bolivias ruthless tin baron saved thousands of Jewish refugees </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/The Unlikely Rise of Slim Pickins, the First Black-Owned Outdoors Retailer in the\"> The Unlikely Rise of Slim Pickins, the First Black-Owned Outdoors Retailer in the Country </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Twitter is becoming a lost\"> Twitter is becoming a lost city </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Then Again Dying mans note nearly turned history upside down -\"> Then Again Dying mans note nearly turned history upside down - VTDigger </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-08-11 Reparation Oignon\"> 2022-08-11 Reparation Oignon LIP </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/How Bolivias ruthless tin baron saved thousands of Jewish\"> How Bolivias ruthless tin baron saved thousands of Jewish refugees </a>"
"Tagged": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Jellyfin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Test\"> Test sheet </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Squid Game (2021).md\"> Squid Game (2021) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans\"> Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans basement </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Shakshuka </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Opinion Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men\"> Opinion Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men Created </a>",
@ -5711,12 +5749,13 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/The Wire (20022008).md\"> The Wire (20022008) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/My Name Is Earl (20052009).md\"> My Name Is Earl (20052009) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/The Big Bang Theory (20072019).md\"> The Big Bang Theory (20072019) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Weeds (20052012).md\"> Weeds (20052012) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/How I Met Your Mother (20052014).md\"> How I Met Your Mother (20052014) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Game of Thrones (20112019).md\"> Game of Thrones (20112019) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Licence to Kill (1989).md\"> Licence to Kill (1989) </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Weeds (20052012).md\"> Weeds (20052012) </a>"
"Refactored": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Obsidian\"> Obsidian plugins </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.02 Home/@Main\"> @Main Dashboard </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/@Café Zü\"> @Café Zürich </a>",
@ -5763,13 +5802,12 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/Equity\"> Equity Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/Crypto\"> Crypto Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/VC\"> VC Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/Storage and\"> Storage and Syncing </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Templates/Template\"> Template Movie </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/Equity\"> Equity Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/Crypto\"> Crypto Tasks </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/VC\"> VC Tasks </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/Storage and\"> Storage and Syncing </a>"
"Deleted": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12).md\"> You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Romain Gary\"> Romain Gary 2 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12).md\"> You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12).md\"> You Must Remember This - 1989 sex lies and videotape Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/Screw This City Theres Never Been a Worse Time to Rent an Apartment in\"> Screw This City Theres Never Been a Worse Time to Rent an Apartment in NYC </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/Renegades Born in the USA - Our Unlikely\"> Renegades Born in the USA - Our Unlikely Friendship </a>",
@ -5817,12 +5855,32 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Memos/\"> delete </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-03-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Installer Node Exporte... Doc\"> Installer Node Exporte... Doc SysNetAdmin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/This Italian artist became the first female superstar of the\"> This Italian artist became the first female superstar of the Renaissance </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/GitHub - inCallerprometheus_bot Telegram bot for prometheus\"> GitHub - inCallerprometheus_bot Telegram bot for prometheus alerting </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Prometheus Alertmanager send alerts via Telegram - DPBD90 -\"> Prometheus Alertmanager send alerts via Telegram - DPBD90 - Medium </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/How to Install and Configure Prometheus Alert Manager on Ubuntu 20.04\"> How to Install and Configure Prometheus Alert Manager on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.02 Inbox/This Italian artist became the first female superstar of the\"> This Italian artist became the first female superstar of the Renaissance </a>"
"Linked": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Jellyfin </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/\"> Nextcloud </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold -\"> 2022-11-19 Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold - Paris </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite &\"> 2023-01-14 Mariage Marguerite & Arnold </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Was King Arthur a Real\"> Was King Arthur a Real Person </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Opinion Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men\"> Opinion Maternal Instinct Is a Myth That Men Created </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-31 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-30 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Test\"> Test sheet </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-30 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-30 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans\"> Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans basement </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/The Deacon and the Dog City\"> The Deacon and the Dog City Journal </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Why Dont Millennials Have\"> Why Dont Millennials Have Hobbies </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-19 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.03 Zürich/\"> Bebek </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-28 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-29 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.04 Cinematheque/Squid Game (2021).md\"> Squid Game (2021) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans\"> Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans basement </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.03 Food & Wine/\"> Shakshuka </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Shakshuka </a>",
@ -5850,30 +5908,7 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-02-28 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Mountain hikes in\"> Mountain hikes in Switzerland </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"Skiing in\"> Skiing in Switzerland </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Geneva </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> @@Travels </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> @@Travels </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> @Switzerland </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.03 News/The century of climate migration why we need to plan for the great\"> The century of climate migration why we need to plan for the great upheaval </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/Gaming Wall\"> Gaming Wall Street </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.05 Media/The Mafia, The CIA and George\"> The Mafia, The CIA and George Bush </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.06 Professional/The Company-Building Cornerstones Every Founder Needs to Focus On — Advice from\"> The Company-Building Cornerstones Every Founder Needs to Focus On — Advice from HubSpot </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.06 Professional/The Importance of Leading With Empathy (And How To Do It).md\"> The Importance of Leading With Empathy (And How To Do It) </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.06 Professional/Sameer Huda - gunnercooke\"> Sameer Huda - gunnercooke llp </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.06 Professional/Lynceus Partners arrivée de Melchior de Villeneuve en tant que Responsable du Dé\"> Lynceus Partners arrivée de Melchior de Villeneuve en tant que Responsable du Développement </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.06 Professional/\"> @Professional </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-24 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"\"> Luca2 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.01 Life Orga/En Bretagne, les responsables politiques redoutent lémergence dune « Breizh Riviera ».md\"> En Bretagne, les responsables politiques redoutent lémergence dune « Breizh Riviera » </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.01 Life Orga/Désert rural. La grande ruée vers les maisons italiennes à 1\"> Désert rural. La grande ruée vers les maisons italiennes à 1 euro </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"01.01 Life Orga/Quand tu arrives ici, tu te dis que rien nest cher les Parisiens sentichent de\"> Quand tu arrives ici, tu te dis que rien nest cher les Parisiens sentichent de Marseille </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-23 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2023-02-11 Mariage\"> 2023-02-11 Mariage Eloi </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/2022-09-13 Diner\"> 2022-09-13 Diner Lorena </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-18 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-09 </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.01 Admin/Calendars/\"> 2022-08-03 </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"03.02 Travels/\"> Geneva </a>"
"Removed Tags from": [
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"06.02 Investments/Le Miel de\"> Le Miel de Paris </a>",
@ -5906,7 +5941,8 @@
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.01 Computer setup/Storage and\"> Storage and Syncing </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.06 Professional/Les 17 erreurs de management à ne pas\"> Les 17 erreurs de management à ne pas commettre </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"00.04 IT/Obsidian website publish -\"> Obsidian website publish - comments </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.01 London/\"> @@London </a>"
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"02.01 London/\"> @@London </a>",
"<a class=\"internal-link\" href=\"05.02 Networks/Server\"> Server Cloud </a>"

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
"05.02 Networks/Server": [
"title": ":cloud: [[Selfhosting]], [[Server Cloud|Cloud]]: Upgrader & Health checks %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-01",
"rowNumber": 466
"title": ":cloud: [[Server Cloud]]: Backup server %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-06",
"rowNumber": 460
"rowNumber": 292
"title": ":cloud: [[Selfhosting]], [[Server Cloud|Cloud]]: Upgrader & Health checks %%done_del%%",
"time": "2023-01-01",
"rowNumber": 293
"05.02 Networks/Server": [
@ -128,16 +128,16 @@
"04.01 Research": [
"title": ":fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style=\"Background:grey\">membres de la famille</mark>: éplucher les mentions du Nobiliaire de Guyenne & Gascogne",
"time": "2022-08-31",
"rowNumber": 74
"title": ":fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style=\"background:grey\">Lieux</mark>: que sont devenus Fleurimont & Le Pavillon aujourd'hui?",
"time": "2022-09-15",
"rowNumber": 72
"title": ":fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style=\"Background:grey\">membres de la famille</mark>: éplucher les mentions du Nobiliaire de Guyenne & Gascogne",
"time": "2022-09-20",
"rowNumber": 74
"title": ":fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style=\"background:grey\">membres de la famille</mark>: reprendre les citations militaires (promotion/décoration)",
"time": "2022-09-30",
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
"01.03 Family/Amaury de": [
"title": ":birthday: **[[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]]** %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-08-30",
"time": "2023-08-30",
"rowNumber": 98
@ -341,30 +341,30 @@
"01.02 Home/": [
"title": "♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-08-30",
"rowNumber": 75
"title": ":bed: [[Household]] Change bedsheets %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-03",
"rowNumber": 86
"rowNumber": 87
"title": "🛎 🧻 REMINDER [[Household]]: check need for toilet paper %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-05",
"rowNumber": 84
"rowNumber": 85
"title": "♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-06",
"rowNumber": 76
"rowNumber": 77
"title": "♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-13",
"rowNumber": 75
"title": "🛎 🛍 REMINDER [[Household]]: Monthly shop in France %%done_del%%",
"time": "2022-09-24",
"rowNumber": 82
"rowNumber": 83
"title": "🛌 [[Household]]: Buy new bed clothes",
@ -537,13 +537,6 @@
"rowNumber": 91
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "16:29 :sailboat: [[@Lifestyle]], [[2022-06-25|Memo]]: reprendre inscription pour le club nautique de ZH",
"time": "2022-08-31",
"rowNumber": 91
"01.03 Family/Amélie": [
"title": ":birthday: **[[Amélie Solanet|Amélie]]**",
@ -558,20 +551,6 @@
"rowNumber": 167
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "00:24 :tv: [[2022-02-20|Memo]], [[@Media France|Documentaire]]: Chercher 'Édouard, mon pote de droite' sur le quinquennat Macron",
"time": "2022-09-25",
"rowNumber": 87
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "09:57 :boot: [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]], [[@Sport Zürich|Sport in Zürich]], [[2022-08-21|Memo]]: pick up riding boot from cobbler",
"time": "2022-09-01",
"rowNumber": 86
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "16:14 :ring: [[@life admin|Life]], [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]: find a ring",
@ -604,6 +583,28 @@
"time": "2022-10-10",
"rowNumber": 86
"00.01 Admin/Calendars/": [
"title": "15:13 :shark: [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[Server Cloud|Mediatheque]]: write documentation Jellyfin",
"time": "2022-09-04",
"rowNumber": 81
"title": "18:21 📡 [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[@IT & Computer|Obsidian]]: understand the full toolkit of git",
"time": "2022-09-10",
"rowNumber": 84
"title": "15:14 :shark: [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[Server Cloud|Mediatheque]]: find iOS & Mac clients that work well",
"time": "2022-09-14",
"rowNumber": 82
"title": "15:15 :shark: [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[Server Cloud|Mediatheque]]: understand how live TV works",
"time": "2022-09-14",
"rowNumber": 83
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@ -116,6 +116,20 @@
"time": 255.3163008,
"duration": 1597.5183673469387,
"finished": false
"1989: sex, lies and videotape: Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12)": {
"title": "1989: sex, lies and videotape: Rob Lowe and James Spader (Erotic 80s Part 12)",
"podcastName": "You Must Remember This",
"time": 0,
"duration": 0,
"finished": true
"Is a Local Prosecutor Making the Strongest Case Against Trump?": {
"title": "Is a Local Prosecutor Making the Strongest Case Against Trump?",
"podcastName": "The Daily",
"time": 1803.576,
"duration": 1803.576,
"finished": true
"favorites": {

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"01.02 Home/@Main",
"03.03 Food & Wine/",
"00.03 News/Derinkuyu Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in mans",
"03.03 Food & Wine/",
"03.03 Food & Wine/@Side",
"03.03 Food & Wine/",
"03.03 Food & Wine/@Main",
"03.03 Food & Wine/"
"01.02 Home/@Shopping",
"00.01 Admin/Test",
"05.01 Computer setup/",
"05.01 Computer setup/",
"05.01 Computer setup/",
"05.02 Networks/Server",
"03.02 Travels/",
"05.02 Networks/Configuring",
"05.02 Networks/Configuring"

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
%% ### %%
- [ ] 00:24 :tv: [[2022-02-20|Memo]], [[@Media France|Documentaire]]: Chercher 'Édouard, mon pote de droite' sur le quinquennat Macron 📅 2022-09-25 ^3sl3sd
- [x] 00:24 :tv: [[2022-02-20|Memo]], [[@Media France|Documentaire]]: Chercher 'Édouard, mon pote de droite' sur le quinquennat Macron 📅 2022-09-25 ✅ 2022-08-28 ^3sl3sd

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
%% ### %%
- [ ] 16:29 :sailboat: [[@Lifestyle]], [[2022-06-25|Memo]]: reprendre inscription pour le club nautique de ZH 📅 2022-08-31
- [x] 16:29 :sailboat: [[@Lifestyle]], [[2022-06-25|Memo]]: reprendre inscription pour le club nautique de ZH 📅 2022-08-31 ✅ 2022-08-31
- 19:47 [[Mushroom Fricassée]] for dinns made by [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]] #recipe ^925bhq

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
Loret ipsum
Diner chez [[Bebek]] avec [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]].

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
%% ### %%
- [ ] 09:57 :boot: [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]], [[@Sport Zürich|Sport in Zürich]], [[2022-08-21|Memo]]: pick up riding boot from cobbler 📆2022-09-01 ^otnsxe
- [x] 09:57 :boot: [[@Lifestyle|Lifestyle]], [[@Sport Zürich|Sport in Zürich]], [[2022-08-21|Memo]]: pick up riding boot from cobbler 📅 2022-09-01 ✅ 2022-08-29 ^otnsxe
- 20:02 [[Game of Thrones (20112019)|Game of Thrones]] with [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 2.5
Water: 3.5
Coffee: 2
Steps: 12651
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
Loret ipsum
- Farewell party for Francisco & Clara at [[Polo Park Zürich]].

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
Date: 2022-08-29
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Sleep: 8
Happiness: 90
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3
Coffee: 5
Steps: 7887
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2022-08-28|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2022-08-30|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2022-08-29
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2022-08-29
style: number
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
%% ### %%
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2022-08-29]]

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Date: 2022-08-30
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Sleep: 7.5
Happiness: 90
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 3
Coffee: 5
Steps: 3237
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2022-08-29|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2022-08-31|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2022-08-30
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2022-08-30
style: number
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
- 11:11 Anniversaire de [[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]]: [[2022-08-30|66 ans]].
- 21:51 [[Game of Thrones (20112019)|Game of Thrones]] with [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]]
%% ### %%
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2022-08-30]]

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Date: 2022-08-31
DocType: Note
CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Sleep: 7.5
Happiness: 90
Gratefulness: 90
Stress: 25
FrontHeadBar: 5
EarHeadBar: 30
BackHeadBar: 20
Water: 2
Coffee: 4
%% Parent:: [[@Life Admin]] %%
[[2022-08-30|<< 🗓 Previous ]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[@Main Dashboard|Back]] &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; [[2022-09-01|🗓 Next >>]]
name Record today's health
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# 2022-08-31
> [!summary]+
> Daily note for 2022-08-31
style: number
### 📝 Memos
This section does serve for quick memos.
- [ ] 15:13 :shark: [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[Server Cloud|Mediatheque]]: write documentation Jellyfin 📆2022-09-04
- [ ] 15:14 :shark: [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[Server Cloud|Mediatheque]]: find iOS & Mac clients that work well 📆2022-09-14
- [ ] 15:15 :shark: [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[Server Cloud|Mediatheque]]: understand how live TV works 📆2022-09-14
- [ ] 18:21 📡 [[2022-08-31|Memo]], [[@IT & Computer|Obsidian]]: understand the full toolkit of git 📅 2022-09-10
%% --- %%
### 🗒 Notes
Loret ipsum
### :link: Linked activity
Table from [[2022-08-31]]

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: Fiancailles Marguerite & Arnold - Paris
allDay: true
date: 2022-11-19
endDate: 2022-11-20
Reception de fiançailles de [[Marguerite de Villeneuve|Marguerite]] et [[Arnold]] au [[@@Paris|28]] [[2022-11-19|ce jour]].

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: Mariage Marguerite & Arnold
allDay: true
date: 2023-01-14
endDate: 2023-01-15
Mariage de [[Marguerite de Villeneuve|Marguerite]] et [[Arnold]] à [[Geneva|Genève]] [[2023-01-14|ce jour]].

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ This section does serve for quick memos.
%% ### %%
%% --- %%

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Number2: 3
TimeStamp: 2022-01-15
await"02.02 Paris/Abri"))
`jsx-<LoadiFrameButton title="" src="img_0950.jpg" />`
@ -92,6 +91,43 @@ = "500px"; const { renderCalendar } = app.plugins
>> [!infobox]
>> # SELF
>> #####
>> | |
>> | -- |
>> | [[000. Obsidian\|Obsidian]] - #:inbox_tray: |
>> | [[100 Personal\|Personal]] - #Personal:crown: |
>> | [[200 PKM Library\|PKM Library]] - #PKM |
>> | [[300 MOCS\|MOC Library]] - #MOC:map: |
>> [!infobox|]
>> ||
>> | -- |
>> | [[900 Work\|Work]] - #Work
>> | [[600 Life Areas\|Life Areas]] - #Life |
>> | - |
>> | - |
>># Activity
>>![[168494.jpg|cover landscape]]
=== start-multi-column: Testlist
number of columns: 2

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: No
Read:: [[2022-08-29]]
@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ Derinkuyu is now one of Cappadocias biggest tourist attractions, so it no lon
*For more underground fun, see also Strange Maps #[119](, #[443]( and #[1083](*
*Got a strange map? Let me know at [*\[email protected\]*](*
*Follow Strange Maps on [Twitter]( and [Facebook](*

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: No
Read:: [[2022-08-31]]

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: No
Read:: [[2022-08-29]]

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: No
Read:: [[2022-08-31]]

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Parent:: [[@News|News]]
Read:: No
Read:: [[2022-08-29]]

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CollapseMetaTable: Yes
Name: "Game of Thrones"
Season: 2
Episode: 2
Episode: 5
Source: Internal

@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ This section on different household obligations.
#### Garbage collection
- [ ] ♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2022-08-30
- [ ] ♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2022-09-13
- [x] ♻ [[Household]]: *Paper* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2022-08-30 ✅ 2022-08-29
- [ ] ♻ [[Household]]: *Cardboard* recycling collection %%done_del%% 🔁 every 2 weeks on Tuesday 📅 2022-09-06

@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ style: number
### Birthday
- [ ] :birthday: **[[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2022-08-30
- [ ] :birthday: **[[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2023-08-30
- [x] :birthday: **[[Amaury de Villeneuve|Papa]]** %%done_del%% 🔁 every year 📅 2022-08-30 ✅ 2022-08-30
- [x] :birthday: Papa 🔁 every year 📅 2021-08-30 ✅ 2021-10-01

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ style: number
Loret ipsum
1ere fois le [[2022-08-19|19 aout 2022]] avec [[MRCK|Meggi-mo]].

@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ id Save
title: Summary
collapse: open
> Tu seras un héros, tu seras général, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Ambassadeur de France - tous ces voyous ne savent pas qui tu es!
Je crois que jamais un fils n'a hai sa mère autant que moi, à ce moment-là. Mais, alors que jessayais de lui expliquer dans un murmure rageur qu'elle me compromettait irrémédiablement aux yeux de l'Armée de 'Air, et que je faisais un nouvel effort pour la pousser derrière le taxi, son visage prit une expression désemparée, ses lèvres se mirent à trembler, et j'entendis une fois de plus la formule intolérable, devenue depuis longtemps classique dans nos rapports :
> Alors, tu as honte de ta vieille mère ?

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
type: "series"
title: "Squid Game"
englishTitle: "Squid Game"
year: "2021"
dataSource: "OMDbAPI"
url: ""
id: "tt10919420"
- "Action"
- "Drama"
- "Mystery"
- "N/A"
episodes: 0
duration: "N/A"
onlineRating: 8
image: ""
released: true
airing: false
airedFrom: "17/09/2021"
airedTo: "unknown"
watched: true
lastWatched: "2021/10/30"
personalRating: 7.5
tags: "#mediaDB/tv/series"
Parent:: [[Cinematheque]]
dv.paragraph(`> [!${dv.current().watched ? 'SUCCESS' : 'WARNING'}] ${dv.current().watched ? 'last watched on ' + dv.current().lastWatched : 'not yet watched'}`)
# `$= dv.current().title`
`$= dv.current().watched ? '**Rating**: ' + dv.current().personalRating + ' out of 10' : ''`
### Detail
`$= dv.current().genres.length === 0 ? ' - none' : dv.list(dv.current().genres)`
let text = '';
if (!dv.current().released) {
text += '**Not released**\n';
if (dv.current().airedFrom) {
text += 'The series will release on ' + dv.current().release_date + '.';
} else {
text += 'The series is not released yet.';
} else if (dv.current().airing) {
text += '**Not finished**\n';
text += 'The series is not fully released yet.';
if (text) {
list without id
"<table><tbody><tr><td><a class=heading>Type</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.type + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Online Rating</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.onlineRating + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Episodes</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.episodes + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Duration</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.duration + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Aired from</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.airedFrom + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Aired to</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.airedTo + "</span></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><a class=heading>Studios</a></td>"
"<td><span style='color: var(--footnote);'>" + this.studios + "</span></td></tr></tbody></table>"
FROM "03.04 Cinematheque/Squid Game (2021)"
### Poster
`$= '![Image|360](' + dv.current().image + ')'`

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Overview of tasks & todos for
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style="background:grey">Lieux</mark>: que sont devenus Fleurimont & Le Pavillon aujourd'hui? 📅 2022-09-15
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style="background:grey">membres de la famille</mark>: reprendre les citations militaires (promotion/décoration) 📅 2022-09-30
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style="Background:grey">membres de la famille</mark>: éplucher les mentions du Nobiliaire de Guyenne & Gascogne 📅 2022-08-31
- [ ] :fleur_de_lis: [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style="Background:grey">membres de la famille</mark>: éplucher les mentions du Nobiliaire de Guyenne & Gascogne 📅 2022-09-20
- [x] [[lebv Research Tasks|Research]]: <mark style="Background:grey">Archivage</mark>: compléter les fichiers de Source

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
Tag: ["Admin", "Computer", "Cloud", "Media"]
Date: 2022-08-31
DocType: "Product"
Hierarchy: "NonRoot"
Type: "IT"
Link: ""
Value: "Free"
CollapseMetaTable: yes
Parent:: [[Storage and Syncing]], [[Server Cloud]]
name Edit Product parameters
type command
action MetaEdit: Run MetaEdit
id EditMetaData
name Save
type command
action Save current file
id Save
# Jellyfin
> [!summary]+
> Product Description
style: number
### Characteristics
Loret ipsum
#### Sub-header 1
Loret ipsum
#### Sub-header 2
Loret ipsum
### Structure
Loret ipsum
### Pricing
Loret ipsum
### Further steps
Loret ipsum
### Documentation
Loret ipsum

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Parent:: [[Storage and Syncing]], [[Server Cloud]]
@ -155,6 +157,231 @@ _WebDAV Account_:
### Selfhosting guide
title: Installation
#### Installed dependencies
##### Apache2
Webserver for [[Nextcloud]].
Apache2 has notorious issues with over-clogging memory usage (topping 100% of memory usage).
In order to minimise memory usage, [[#APCu]] has been installed as a cache manager. In addition, Appache has been paired with:
- **[php-fpm](** for php7.4, enabling faster interaction between apache and backend.
- the '**event**' multi-processing module ([MPM]( enabling decluttering of processing between ports & Apache
All relevant dependencies have been installed and the set-up tested.
A comprehensive tutorial on the MPM switch can be found [here]( or [here](
**php.ini** files can be found at:
##### Certbot
Provides SSL certification from **Let's Encrypt**. Installation dependencies are different from Nginx and explained [here](
##### MySQL
Nothing particular to note on MySQL apart from initial set-up and user management.
Configuration file is under:
title: Optimise memory usage of mysql
% Disable performance schema to hugely reduce RAM usage
performance_schema = OFF
In order to restart mysql, the command is:
sudo service mysql restart
##### APCu
Memory caching addon for Nextcloud. Memory caching management is provided by Nextcloud and needs to be set up as a system cron job. After installing APCu, the webserver needs to be **restarted** and the cron job defined:
1. **Define the cronjob**
sudo crontab -u www-data -e
2. **Add cronjob**
*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/nextcloud/cron.php --define apc.enable_cli=1
3. **Verify that the cron job is added**
sudo crontab -u www-data -l
##### SVG support
SVG support is installed in the form of a package.
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra
#### Service management
Nextcloud offers two alternatives for managing the service:
1. An admin webpanel
2. A command line tool
##### Admin webpanel
Accessed through login into the service with admin credentials. Settings offer an admin section.
##### Nextcloud command line tool
From the server's command line, Nextcloud offers the ability to perform some tasks like user management.
###### Introduction to the command
[[Nextcloud]] offers a command-line tool which permission needs to be set to "executable". It is located here:
The tool needs to be invoked by the "www-data" user and compiled with PHP:
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ
###### Generic commands
[[Nextcloud]] offers a simple description of all commands [here](
#### Nextcloud server hardening
title: Nextcloud tutorial
#### Data transfer
After each data transfer, run the following command to refresh [[Nextcloud]]'s webapp:
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all
More info can be found [here](
##### Upload from local
[Nextcloud help](
##### Directories
1. **Local file structure**
2. **Webdav file structure**
### Pricing
@ -185,3 +412,4 @@ _**128G**_ | €4.95

@ -109,6 +109,19 @@ sudo newgrp docker
title: [[Configuring Docker|docker]] for non root users
[[Configuring Docker|docker]] predominantly works for the root user. In order to let non-root users instruct Docker, users need to be added to the Docker group:
`sudo usermod -aG docker (username)`
Potentially, the Docker group needs to be defined:
`sudo groupadd docker`
#### Installing docker-compose
Docker-compose is a script generatir enabling leaner execution and update of each container. The following commands install the wizard.

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ title: Dashboard access
title: Address
The service will be located under **[](** .
The service is located under **[](** .
@ -101,10 +101,8 @@ The service will be located under **[](** .
title: Nextcloud
[[Nextcloud]] is a cloud storage management service offering a variety of Apps to manage data online.
> [!abstract] Jellyfin
[[Jellyfin]] is a media management service offering a variety of Apps to manage media (video, music, photos) online.
@ -123,70 +121,33 @@ title: Installation
##### Apache2
Webserver for [[Nextcloud]].
Apache2 has notorious issues with over-clogging memory usage (topping 100% of memory usage).
In order to minimise memory usage, [[#APCu]] has been installed as a cache manager. In addition, Appache has been paired with:
- **[php-fpm](** for php7.4, enabling faster interaction between apache and backend.
- the '**event**' multi-processing module ([MPM]( enabling decluttering of processing between ports & Apache
##### Docker
All relevant dependencies have been installed and the set-up tested.
A comprehensive tutorial on the MPM switch can be found [here]( or [here](
Currently running Docker containers
**php.ini** files can be found at:
title: docker network
ID: 3a4d267e8155e3ff957e15c86360de1431d177b2131455707bea99038f179481
IP: 17.27.37.x
##### Certbot
##### Caddy
Provides SSL certification from **Let's Encrypt**. Installation dependencies are different from Nginx and explained [here](
[[Configuring Caddy|caddy]] is the webserver of choice. Refer to the dedicated note for config and parametrisation.
##### MySQL
Nothing particular to note on MySQL apart from initial set-up and user management.
Configuration file is under:
title: Optimise memory usage of mysql
% Disable performance schema to hugely reduce RAM usage
performance_schema = OFF
In order to restart mysql, the command is:
sudo service mysql restart
title: authentication token
##### Security
##### Logwatch
| Program name | Type | Description
| **[[Configuring Fail2ban|fail2ban]]** | Daemon | Blocks suspicious attempts to login
| **unattended-upgrades** | Program | Enables automatic updates of installed programs and OS
| **logwatch** | Daemon | Monitors activity on server and sends activity logs
<mark style=“color:red”>TO FILL</mark>
@ -194,14 +155,6 @@ sudo service mysql restart
Classic [[Configuring Fail2ban|fail2ban]] installation with a dedicated configuration:
sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.local
With the following parameters:
@ -212,58 +165,23 @@ bantime = 1m
Please refer to the [[Configuring Fail2ban|conf guide]] for a detailed description.
##### Postfix
Mail Transfer Agent. Configuration is standard to allow for emails to be sent by programs / deamons / [[Nextcloud]] or others. Such a [[Configuring Postfix|system]] is required for every server to work correctly.
##### APCu
Memory caching addon for Nextcloud. Memory caching management is provided by Nextcloud and needs to be set up as a system cron job. After installing APCu, the webserver needs to be **restarted** and the cron job defined:
1. **Define the cronjob**
under the dedicated jail conf file:
sudo crontab -u www-data -e
2. **Add cronjob**
*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/nextcloud/cron.php --define apc.enable_cli=1
sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.local
3. **Verify that the cron job is added**
sudo crontab -u www-data -l
Please refer to the [[Configuring Fail2ban|conf guide]] for a detailed description.
##### SVG support
SVG support is installed in the form of a package.
##### Postfix
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra
Mail Transfer Agent. Configuration is standard to allow for emails to be sent by programs / deamons / [[Nextcloud]] or others. Such a [[Configuring Postfix|system]] is required for every server to work correctly.
@ -302,45 +220,6 @@ List of monitored services:
#### Service management
Nextcloud offers two alternatives for managing the service:
1. An admin webpanel
2. A command line tool
##### Admin webpanel
Accessed through login into the service with admin credentials. Settings offer an admin section.
##### Nextcloud command line tool
From the server's command line, Nextcloud offers the ability to perform some tasks like user management.
###### Introduction to the command
[[Nextcloud]] offers a command-line tool which permission needs to be set to "executable". It is located here:
The tool needs to be invoked by the "www-data" user and compiled with PHP:
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ
###### Generic commands
[[Nextcloud]] offers a simple description of all commands [here](
@ -350,15 +229,6 @@ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ
#### Data transfer
After each data transfer, run the following command to refresh [[Nextcloud]]'s webapp:
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all
More info can be found [here](
@ -369,7 +239,7 @@ title: Data transfer tool
rClone uses a simple config interface to configure remote hosts (including [[Nextcloud]]):
rClone uses a simple config interface to configure remote hosts:
@ -397,44 +267,6 @@ rclone sync source:'datapath' dest:'datapath'
##### Upload from local
[Nextcloud help](
##### Directories
1. **Local file structure**
2. **Webdav file structure**
#### Nextcloud server hardening
title: Nextcloud tutorial
@ -459,13 +291,7 @@ title: Nextcloud tutorial
- [ ] :cloud: [[Server Cloud]]: Backup server %%done_del%% 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday 📅 2022-09-06
- [x] [[Server Cloud]]: Backup server 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday 📅 2022-03-11 ✅ 2022-03-11
- [x] [[Server Cloud]]: Backup server 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday 📅 2021-09-15 ✅ 2022-01-08
- [x] [[Server Cloud]]: Backup server 🔁 every 6 months on the 1st Tuesday ✅ 2021-09-14
- [x] Set-up landing page
- [ ] :cloud: [[Selfhosting]], [[Server Cloud|Cloud]]: Upgrader & Health checks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 4 months 📅 2022-09-01
- [x] [[Selfhosting]], [[Server Cloud|Cloud]]: Upgrader & Health checks 🔁 every 4 months 📅 2022-05-01 ✅ 2022-05-05
- [ ] :cloud: [[Selfhosting]], [[Server Cloud|Cloud]]: Upgrader & Health checks %%done_del%% 🔁 every 4 months 📅 2023-01-01
